Game Dev – Creating a Main Menu

For our main menu we first off need to pick a suitable size. Today we’ll be using 1920 x 1080 because thats one of the most used monitors. Once we have our canvas we can start by adding guide lines, just to make it either. Personally i didnt use them on my final design because…

Game Dev – Making a walk/run cycle + Illustrator

As you can see above, this is an image of the composition settings. The most important thing to do here is to change the frame rate to 24 or 25 then you can change the composition name to anything you want. If you want accurate settings, use the settings above. The reason we use illustrator…

Game Dev – Activity 2

Activity 2 Tile sets tile sets enable the level designers to use many variations of the tiles and then use them to make platforms etc. Isometric Tile Sets Botanicula In order to explore alternative ideas for my game dev background we have to look at 3 landscape creators/illustrators In the image above you can see…

Game Dev – 12 Principles of Animation

Stretch and Squash This is Squash and Stretch, as you can see when you squash there arent really physics to it but on other hand, stretch does. When applying Squash and Stretch always keep the same volume, for example if you stretch, the width becomes narrower and the length becomes longer. Anticipation  If a character…

Game Dev – Activity 1 – Individual and Group Pitch/ Concept Art

Introduction After being given the brief, we were assigned our roles. Myself and Ben will be specialising in the visual aspect, Rhiannon will be specialising in audio and Tom will be specialising in the interactive aspect, although we all contribute to everything. Generating Ideas We all sat around and started to generate ideas about how…

Game Dev – 2D Game Dev Backstory Ideas

Corrupted world, destroyed city’s, abandoned buildings, overgrown, dirty, wreckage Peaceful world disrupted by a force of evil. The evil takes over peoples minds, kills people, ruins lives and only one person can stop it. Story driven A normal day on planet Adoy, which is located in the galaxy known as Atlum, there are many different…

Game Dev – 2D Games

Introduction I am going to be researching  elements of 2D games and generating ideas Coming up with a back story Visual Style Audio and interactive elements that may be in my game Research (Primary and Secondary) Primary Playing games and talking to people who play indie games Secondary Watch YouTube videos, concept art (Art Station),…

Game Dev – Lighting and Atmospheric Effects

Introduction In this workshop i learnt how to use materials, lighting and atmospheric effects to create a 3D environment in the unreal game engine. I didn’t take screen shots instead i screen recorded the process of adding the assets i made to create the forest environment. I will soon edit the video so there are…

Game Dev – Lighting and Materials in Unreal Engine

Here i am editing a material… We first drag and dropped the material into the editor. Then i made a constant from the specular tab and changed the value to 0.5. The two pictures below show me editing the material values and then going on to look at how the texture changed. Here is what…