Game Dev – Audio Specifications and Primary Sources

Audio Compression Usually files downloaded off the internet are compressed and when you download or stream music. Audio is compressed to make the file smaller and save more space. The most common file is mp3. Uncompressed files are used for much higher quality sounds. Some typical sound files are WAV files. WAV is a format…

Game Dev – Activity 1 – Individual and Group Pitch/ Concept Art

Introduction After being given the brief, we were assigned our roles. Myself and Ben will be specialising in the visual aspect, Rhiannon will be specialising in audio and Tom will be specialising in the interactive aspect, although we all contribute to everything. Generating Ideas We all sat around and started to generate ideas about how…

Game Dev – Trello

Introduction First things first im going to explain what trello is and what it does and then ill be talking about the advantages and disadvantages. So trello is basically a management site, you can invite people to join your team and then you can create a board which is where all your ideas can go….

Game Dev – 2D Games

Introduction I am going to be researching  elements of 2D games and generating ideas Coming up with a back story Visual Style Audio and interactive elements that may be in my game Research (Primary and Secondary) Primary Playing games and talking to people who play indie games Secondary Watch YouTube videos, concept art (Art Station),…