Vertex Painting

Vertex painter is a feature in Unreal engine that allows an environment artist to paint materials directly onto the geometry to produce unique looking effects like snow or rust to make things look more natural or maybe to lessen the effect that textures are tiling over and over again. First of all, we need to…

Line Drawing Techniques

For this task i have been given a sheet that shows a variety of techniques to shade an object(s) which will direct me in the right direction on how to use these techniques and make drawings look a lot better. The second part of the task was to fill in three boxes with three different…

Game Dev – Learning After Effects

Introduction In today’s session we are going to be learning the basics of after effects, how to animate, scale, opacity, text etc. In addition to that we are going to be looking at manipulating frames. The aim of the session is to create a title sequence and a bouncing ball. Hotkeys within After Effects Ctrl…

Asset Pack – Critical Analysis

This post i am going to upload photos of all my asset pack models. (Unfinished) Critical Analysis of research and my aims and objectives During unit 2 i used many different techniques and forms of research. For example i used the internet, books with images related to the theme etc. By doing…

Asset Pack – Modelling a Bridge

For the last basic workshop in Maya the class and i was asked to model a bridge using the skills  i had already acquired from the basic column and archway workshops along with using a new tool, create polygon. In this post I will be documenting the process of creating the wall as well as…

Upside Down Drawing Task

During the drawing task we were instructed to copy a picture of a man sat in a chair and had to do this upside down to make us look at it as a bunch of lines instead of a person. During the task I learned to use my pencil to help determine length and measurements….

Asset Pack – Making a Flag

First of all we set our project to our preferred location and then we go to front camera and import our reference image. Now we start modelling pole. To do this i started by using a cylinder and made the base of the pole. After this i used another cylinder to make the rest of…

Asset Pack – Modeling and Texturing a Crate

First of all we had to model a crate from a base cube and adding edge loops. I then extruded inwards to get a crate shape. I then opened the UV editor and and re scaled the UVs slightly so that they would fit properly in Photoshop. as you can see the UVs arent overlapping…

Asset Pack – Making A Skyscraper

This lesson i decided to model a skyscraper so that we could use them in our asset pack within a city of some sort. The first step was to place a cube and scale it your preferred size. I then extruded the cube inwards but first i made sure that four sides were selected and…

Asset Pack – Concept Art

During the past few lessons each of us have been working on our models and designs. While it was very fun to do it could also be challenging finding good colors to use and it was obnoxious to find a good brush and what size to use. so it was a lot of experimenting with…