Game Dev – 2D Game Dev Backstory Ideas

  • Corrupted world, destroyed city’s, abandoned buildings, overgrown, dirty, wreckage
  • Peaceful world disrupted by a force of evil. The evil takes over peoples minds, kills people, ruins lives and only one person can stop it.
  • Story driven

A normal day on planet Adoy, which is located in the galaxy known as Atlum, there are many different life forms on planet Adoy mainly humans due to them transferring there after they were discovered my an evil force known as Surge, Surge possessed people and other beings, animals, controlled the weather and did many horrible things. Our little hero was no human, he wasn’t an animal, he was a machine, a being destined to destroy all evil, but this would not come easy to him, he has to get stronger by defeating other enemies along the way…

Below is a collage of images i put together to represent the planet humans came from and what it looks like afterPlanet Mood Boads.png

2D Game inspired by cup-head and the old themed Mario games. Reach the end of the stage to get to each different boss until the final chapter where you defeat the biggest hardest boss of all, Surge. Each course gradually gets harder.



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