Learning Autodesk Maya


This blog post is going to show a video capture of me learning the software. i am also going to write about my experience e.g. what was enjoyable, what i struggled with and how i intend to develop my skills further.

Alt-Left Click = Rotate/Look around

Alt – Scroll = Drag

Alt – Right click = Zoom in/out.

F= Frame

Q = Separates objects

R = Scale

B = Self select area

Ctrl + D = Duplicate

Ctrl + E = Extrude

Alt+Shift+D= Clear History

Ctrl + B = Bevel

Using auto desk Maya was difficult as i struggled with the start of the application since its a new experience for me but i think maya has a much larger selection of tools that im still yet to learn about, however, the only tools we have touched so far are Maya Classic, Modelling – Standard and Animation so far.

The basics of Maya consist of just making simple geometry shapes and then using the tools we have to edit our shapes into proper models.

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