Time Managment

This blog will show you different ways to manage time efficiently. This blog is for people who need to manage time for school work, home-work, travel etc. Some people need extra time in exams and will need extra time, so this will also show how to use your time more efficiently. It will also teach you about ‘gantt’ charts.

  1. Travel
  • Check in advance what time your lessons start so that you can find a bus or train that will get you to the bus stop/station before your lesson starts
  • If you need to get an early bus/train, make sure you go to sleep at a reasonable time so you can get up in time for the train.

2. School work/Homework

  • School-work: If you have work to finish and the lesson has ended, don’t panic, you can always go to the library at your college or come into college on your study day to finish off your work.
  • Homework: If you get homework due the next day, you can always make yourself a ‘reward’ system. The reward system gets you to do your homework and let you have a reward like watching a film or play a game. you can also split your homework up into sections of time. For example, if you have 2 Hours worth of homework to do, you can split it into 30 mins, have a 10 minute break, 30 mins 10 minute break etc… then once you have completed the task you can have your reward.

3. Exams

  • During exams you might feel a lot of pressure on yourself and you might feel that you don’t have enough time to complete everything, I find it’s best to split my exam up into sections, e.g. 1 Mark questions you should spend 1- 1.5 minutes on it, 2 mark questions you should spend 4 minutes on it, 5 mark questions you spend at least 5 minutes on it etc.

4. Gantt Charts

Image result for gantt chart

  • A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. This chart lists the tasks to be performed on the vertical axis, and time intervals on the horizontal axis. The width of the horizontal bars in the graph show the duration of each activity.
  • Gantt charts are useful for planning and scheduling projects. They help you assess how long a project should take, determine the resources needed, and plan the order in which you’ll complete tasks. They’re also helpful for managing the dependencies between tasks.

5. My Biggest Distractions

  • My biggest distraction when i’m working is my family because they always bother me when I’m working and it is very annoying because it makes me lose concentration on the task I was working on and usually I spend hours of time working on a single project because I prefer quality over quantity.
  • At college my biggest distraction is mates because we usually always talk to each other and it distracts all of us however if we work together and talk about each others work, we are able to to improve on certain aspects of our work.

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